Ikebana Tea

Ikebana Tea

from SGD 19.00

A wonderful bouquet of botanicals that help you find peace and rest.

Named Ikebana, inspired by the Japanese concept of arranging flowers just as it is - in a wild and imperfect way. A powerful notion that translates to loving yourself just as you are and finding peace with all of yourself. Ikebana is a blend of chamomile, lavender, blue cornflowers, rose and lemongrass, for a beautiful bouquet in your cup.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the combination of lavender, rose and lemongrass can alleviate stagnation of Qi in the body, calm nerves and improve sleep quality.

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Tasting Notes
Citrus, Floral, Sweet

Blue Cornflowers, Lavender, Chamomile, Rose petals, Lemongrass, Forget-Me-Not Flowers

Beautiful, Peace, Calm, Relaxing, Anti-anxiety, Bedtime tea

3g to 250ml, 95ºC, 3-5 mins

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician or a physician with expertise in herbs before treating yourself with herbal teas or mixing them with any medications. Women who are pregnant or are considering becoming pregnant or who are nursing should not use herbs without the approval of their doctors. Please consult a medical professional before using any of our products. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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